Thursday, October 15, 2015

Reflection week 3

21 September 2015

            These week topics are main features and criteria of innovative learning environments. The innovative learning environment  are: 1) Analysis of innovative learning environment, 2) Current trend and issues online learning environment and 3)main features and criteria of innovative learning environment. From we start our class Dr. Jamaluddin give a task for everyone to search principal of Innovative. After that upload and share to e-learning what everyone get from the website.
            After we discuss the principal of learning Dr Jamaluddin give a sheet about seven principal of innovation. The seven principal of innovation are: 1) Learners at the center, 2) The social of learning, 3) Emotions are integral to learning, 4) Recognizing individual differences, 5) Stretching all students, 6) Assessment for learning and 7) Building horizontal connections.


            Dr Jamaluddin gives a number and divides into small group to discuss about the topic. The learning types is jigsaw learning that need to discuss in a group after that change the group member and discuss to others group member. From this types of learning it can makes more enjoyable and know each other that we can share the knowledge.

            The end of the class we discuss about assignment 1 that need to submit on 5 October 2015. 

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