Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Reflection Week 15

14 December 2015

Today our final presentation for final project. Our group in first presenter. The topic about photography. The respondent among student in diploma graphic design at Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan, Pasir Gudang.

Here we have some view about typography project from our group: 

We use schoology (LMS) same with e-learning. The schoology can share the notes, assignments and submit the assignments. 

Some example of assignment "expressive word"

Some of final project for typography. The student need to do "ethnography poster"

This project the give me knowledge to teaching more innovation when we come to be educator after were finish studies...

Thank you...

Monday, December 21, 2015

Reflection Week 14

7 December 2015

Reflection Week 13

30 November 2015

Today our class start with progress final project. By the way Dr. Dayana ask to do some checklist for respondent (teacher and student) to know the advantage and disadvantages to used web 2.0 during teaching and learning.

After that we need to review some articles new direction for future research innovative learning environment. After that we need to share in e-learning that can share with your friends.

Reflection Week 12

23 November 2015

Evaluation testing and assessment
Today we learn about evaluation, testing and assessment. Dr Dayana separate in group based on topic. Each group 3 person.

We have some detail about this topic:

1.     Evaluation
           Evaluation is a methodological area that is closely related to, but distinguishable from more 
           traditional social research. Evaluation utilizes many of the same methodologies used in traditional 
           social research, but because evaluation takes place within a political and organizational context, it      requires group skills, management ability, political dexterity, sensitivity to multiple stakeholders        and other skills that social research in general does not rely on as much.

      2.  Testing
           Our group do about testing topic. Here some meaning during our discussion with group about              testing:

A test or quiz is used to examine someone's knowledge of something to verify what he or she 
knows or has learned. Testing measures the level of skill or knowledge that has been reached.

Below the link that we discuss in google drive:


      3. Assessment
         Assessment involves the use of empirical data on student learning to refine programs and improve
       student learning. Assessment is the process of gathering and discussing information from multiple
      and diverse sources in order to develop a deep understanding of what students know, understand,    and can do with their knowledge as a result of their educational experiences; the process culminates
       when assessment results are used to improve subsequent learning.

Reflection Week 11

16 November 2015

Reflection Week 10

9 November 2015

Reflection Week 9

2 November 2015

            Today is our presentation proposal for final project. We have 5 group, each group need to present principle of ILE, used of 2.0 tools and subject or place area. After presentation we need to upload proposal in e-learning.

Reflection Week 8

26 October 2015

            Discussion about our project proposal for next week presentation. Each group explain their progress and used of tools for final project. Dr. Dayana give comment and idea for implement the project.